Frame 1 - Cassandra’s Portrait: f 16 | 1/250th | iso1600

Frame 2 - Broken Watch: f 4 | 1/30th | iso1600

An excerpt from the Repair + publication :

Watching the Passing of Time

“Cassandra's grandmother passed away recently, suddenly and unexpectedly. Their last time together was during Chinese New Year, when Cassandra watched her cook 客家算盘子 (abacus seeds) for the family dinner. Though Cassandra had done what she could to spend time with her grandmother in recent years, she still has regrets. She had visited her grandparents much less often after they moved to a neighbourhood further away. Her grandmother had strong convictions - she loved quality butter and cream cakes and detested margarine, and her own way of doing things - she loved travelling, especially in winter, the colder, the better. Cassandra found this watch when the family were packing her grandmother's belongings. She was intrigued by what appeared to be a Cartier watch but broken and tied together with old string, and wondered about the story of the watch and her grandmother's life before grandchildren came along. The watch came to a stop at eleven, representing to Cassandra how time has gracefully passed and now come to a standstill.”

(Article written by Claire Ooi)

f i r s t i m p r e s s i o n s / / t h e e x c h a n g e

R e u n i o n / / R E V E A L

T H E R E T U R N / / R E P A I R E D

Frame 1 - Isabella placing watch down: f 22 | 1/8th | iso400

Frame 2 - Cassandra picking up watch: f 22 | 1/8th | iso400

Frame 3 - Watch on stand: f4 | 1/125th | iso400