The art of Light.
There is much substance to light, all that we perceive of this world comes from an abundance of it or a lack thereof. Light is the very core of the art of photography. As a photographer, I get to experience the wonders of painting with light. And where light is, so are shadows. The harmonious tension held between the two creates beauty. By embracing the imperfections of life, I’ve come to see the beauty of making space for brokenness. Some of life’s most precious moments are marked by both joy and grief, without contradiction. My hope is to create images that hold the tension well.
hello, MY NAME IS Jonathan Levi
My induction into photography began through a season of deep grief. My wife and I lost our firstborn son Michael in 2017. The first camera I owned, was purchased with the intention to document Michael’s growing up years. The journey through pain and loss has taught me the importance of compassion and connection. I learned that photography can be a bridge that allows us to connect to one another as on a deeper level, through our shared experiences and stories. Photography has since then, become an outlet of expression used to celebrate life.