The early hours are no stranger to Mr Tan, a man committed to making fresh soya bean milk the traditional way.
An excerpt from JOURNEY:
“His day begins at 2am daily, a time when most of us are still asleep. As the cycles of creating each batch of soya bean milk is time consuming, he starts the day early to ensure that his store is ready for business before daylight.”
(Article written by Jonathan Levi)
The kiosk styled store Mr Tan operates from is an uncommon sight, a rarity these days.
“Whatever you do, do it from your heart. Once you lose that, others will be able to distinguish the difference; whether you are authentic or fake.”
- Dickson Tan
Mr Tan has faithfully kept his drinks and desserts at an affordable price throughout the years. (this was taken in 2021 and may not be reflective of his pricing today)
“Tau Huey"