Frame 1 - Jess’s Portrait: f 16 | 1/250th | iso1600
Frame 2 - Wedding shoes in box: f 2.8 | 1/30th | iso1600
An excerpt from the Repair + publication :
For Worse or for Better
“Jess was 42 when she married Cary, who is three years younger. In the ’70s he sold drugs, and she bought from him. She had missed many important occasions, like her siblings' weddings and parents' funerals, because she was in prison. They lived day by day, and did not plan far into the future. They were already living together before they got married. Their pastors suggested that they got married because it was a sin for unmarried people to live together. They had nothing, but the church reassured them and arranged everything for them. It was Jess' dream come true to wear the wedding gown with a tiara, which were rented. A church member brought her to choose her shoes from Sembonia, which she kept. In the end, they even had a little money left to go to Sentosa for their honeymoon. Being married and getting their own house exceeded everyone's expectations. It meant staying clean, not needing to borrow or steal money. It meant that they could be relied on. They conquered addiction with WE CARE, church support, and many good people along the way. Jess now works in the recovery centre helping others who struggle with addiction.”
(Article written by Claire Ooi)
f i r s t i m p r e s s i o n s / / t h e e x c h a n g e
R e u n i o n / / R E V E A L
T H E R E T U R N / / R E P A I R E D
Frame 1 - Ryan & Ella placing down wedding shoes: f 22 | 1/8th | iso400
Frame 2 - Gary and Jess picking up wedding shoes: f 22 | 1/8th | iso400
Frame 3 - Wedding shoes on stand: f4 | 1/60th | iso400