Frame 1 - Jieyi’s Portrait: f 5.6 | 1/500th | iso1600
Frame 2 - Kokedama on shelf: f 2.8 | 1/20th | iso1600
An excerpt from the Repair + publication :
The End of its Shelf Life
“Jie Yi leads what some might call a routine mundane lifestyle. She left her stable job of more than ten years to become the caregiver of her mother. It was a challenging decision financially and socially. The day before she resigned, some vendors had set up a booth selling plants at her workplace. She saw the kokedama amongst the other plants and it was love at first sight. The kokedama was healthy for a few weeks, but suddenly withered. Over three months the plant slowly wasted away. Eventually she was no longer able to intervene and had to let it go. While she was not entirely successful in caring for her kokedama, it had given her hope and encouragement as a caregiver. She does not know how long her mother will live, but sees every day as an opportunity to create memories. Life has not turned out the way she expected, and she is excited by the possibilities of reviving her kokedama.”
(Article written by Claire Ooi)
f i r s t i m p r e s s i o n s / / t h e e x c h a n g e
R e u n i o n / / R E V E A L
T H E R E T U R N / / R E P A I R E D
Frame 1 - Serial Co placing down digital Kokedama NFT: f 22 | 1/8th | iso400
Frame 2 - Jieyi picking up digital Kokedama NFT: f 22 | 1/8th | iso400
Frame 3 - Digital Kokedama NFT on stand: f2.8 | 1/125th | iso400